Wednesday, March 21, 2012




I love how God is so different from the world. His ways are so much higher.
I love that in discipleship, the goal is to ultimately, replace yourself.
I love that God has a unique plan for every single one of us.
I love that God gives us such a heart for people.
I love that He has blessed us with so many riches IN HIM, and continues to bless.
I love that God does actually want to give us the desires of our hearts.
I love that God knows best. That He can see the future and is in fact, leading and guiding me each day to bring glory to Him.
I love that God is glorious.
I love that God gives us purpose.
I love that we have all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Especially joy.
I love that we have every reason to celebrate life.
I love that this life is not about me. or us. or you. but HIM. (God)
I love that God is an amazing Creator and has such an imagination.
I love that His Word Is Living.
I love that God convicts.

feel free to comment things that you love about God!


”But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

1 comment:

  1. I love that God knows me by name.
    I love that God knows me so well he understands my spiritual groans even when I don't.
    I love that Jesus died for me even when I was a sinner because he loves me so much.
    I love that God can't love me any more than he already does.
    I love that NOTHING can pluck me from His hand.
    I love that God is Holy and unchanging; perfect in all ways.
