Today, I fell in love with Christ through the joy of just sitting down and reading a book(author, Max Lucado! a fav of mine). I had forgotten how much you can learn by reading other authors apart from the Bible. I enjoy it so much, its so rich and just stretches my thinking! And i usually can’t stop journaling and praying!
So pick up a good book, and enjoy the richness and love of Christ.
VERSE of the day:
”When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.”
1 Peter 2:23
*Jesus had every reason to retaliate…for all the scoffing and abuse + more that He received at the cross. Yet He did nothing in the sort, but remembered who the scoffers and abusers were, and saw them through eyes of grace and love….and instead of retaliation, He showed love and trust the God who does the judging.
What do we do?!
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