Thursday, July 14, 2011



So I just got back last night(and our internet was down) from the MCA missions trip. Hometown missions trip, which was honestly, next to alaska, the best mission’s trip I’ve ever been on. The sense of community and unity among believer’s and the churches was absolutely incredible and how it should be. and just the servanthood and attitude of servanthood was awesome and I pray that God’s people will remain and be more that way, because I believe it’s important.

So as for how I fell in love with Jesus this past week…i won’t go detail day by day. Because the main way how I fell in love with Jesus…is actually through children. Jeff Polen (the youth leader) and his wife and his 3 little girls (1, 3, 4) were a huge blessing to me (along with the rest of the youth of course!) but I learned and realized, that by watching a father with his daughter, you get a picture for God the Father and how He loves us. Incredible. Seeing how a father disciplines, then the next moment is lifting her up in his arms and making her laugh. When she falls, He is the first person there and runs to her to pick her up. Witnessing children’s imagination…it baffles me the things they come up with! Makes my heart laugh.
  My favorite child moment of the week….was the very last day. Was on the playground with Taylor and Abigail and we were pretending there was a storm coming and the girls decided it best to call Jesus. Abigail proceeded to be on the phone with Jesus, and all of a sudden “its okay if i tell the secret? (in a whispering voice) i love you.”   my heart just melted. Children are special. and I fell more in love with them, and even more in love with Christ by being with them.

Sigh, whoever would have thought of the day that I would absolutely fall in love with children. The LORD is at work, my friends.



Verse of the day:

"Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”
   Matthew 18:3-4

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