Thursday, December 12, 2013


Sometimes I get really overwhelmed with gratefulness.
When I take time to see how incredibly blessed I am, that's when it hits me. 
I love friendships. 
I love my friends.
Now a days, I think we throw that word around and call even acquaitenances friends, and depending how you make friends, it may very well be true, but for me, friendships take a while. I can be your friend, way before you will be my friend.
But there are also different levels of friendships. And I'm not blogging to go into all those details.
I'm blogging, to say that I am thankful for the friendships in my life. Especially the ones, that have been a journey full of pot holes and wrong directions....because those are my strongest.

I'm thankful for the friends who know how you think and work, the ones who speak truth to you even when you don't want to hear it. The ones where you just laugh and laugh and laugh. The ones where you can not see or talk to that person for months and then whenever you do see or talk to each other, it's like you were never apart. The friends who will just pray for and with you. The friends who randomly send you encouraging text messages or emails. The friends who get excited with and for you. The friends who know your fears and weaknesses and still love you. The friends who are faithful and loyal no matter how ugly you may be at times. The friends who keep you focused and can bring a light in the dark. The friends who just with their presence can bring peace and joy. The friends who will do anything for you. 

Friendships are beautiful. Old and new. I enjoy them greatly. 
Don't take them for granted.
Don't be afraid of them. 
Embrace them. 


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