Monday, December 30, 2013

I have Favor.

So, I had this whole New Year's Eve post typed out, and the more I kept writing, the more I decided to delete it. It was pretty bahumbuggy (it's a word in my dictionary thank you) anyway! 
  Instead, u get my coffee shop meditations:

I can't help but be amazed by the Favor of God in my life. This has been something that has always blown me away, and something that always baffles me as to...'why me?' But God is faithful, and gracious and loving, that because He loves me, and has called me to Himself, of course I will have favor with Him, because ultimately, my desire is in fact to please Him. And that desire only grows stronger as I get older. I am not deserving to be able to feel and experience the incredible presence of God everyday of my life, I am not deserving for my prayers to be answered almost immediately sometimes, I am not deserving to have the heart of my Savior revealed to me and to feel His love for me and to love others in return....I am not and of myself. But Christ's sacrifice (blood) and imputed righteousness gives me favor. Favor where I can receive freely all of these things and more. Where I can have peace that passes all understanding, where I can have an unconditional love, where I have joy unending, I can have an eternity with Christ to look forward to and His Holy Spirit to live inside of me right now.
      I just love Jesus. I love God. And I love the Holy Spirit. 

May the peace of Christ rest on your hearts my friends. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

For The Honor.

I love times in the presence of God, no matter where one is at, when your heart just feels like exploding. Complete gratitude, complete awe and wonder, reverence, fear, love...these times leave me weary. But if weariness can be a good thing, than it's that kind of weary! 

I want to share this lyric video with you of this song...for the honor by elevation worship. I first heard this song at a conference OTW was apart of at another local church a few months ago, and the first time I heard it, I cried through the whole song. And that same thing followed the other few times of hearing it too. 
  There are some songs that just resonate with out hearts in an almost indescribable way, and this song is by far in the top 2 for me. Every word in this song, my heart just wants to cry with it and proclaim. I believe every word, and the beauty of God in this song is just overwhelming to me...hence one reason for the tears.

I hope this song resonates with your heart too.
And I sure do hope that someday God will inspire me to write such beautiful lyrics and music that will resonate with the hearts of His people as this song has for me.

I took a walk

Walking is extremely good for you.
  I find that whenever I am taking the time to take walks (outside), I am much more inspired, if feel better physically and emotionally, I am more joyful, I am praying more....

A few years ago in the summertime Walking everyday had become a habit. I would up to 8 miles some days. This summer, not so much, due to a hurt foot. But even after a time of healing for my foot, I still did to get myself back in the habit. So last night, after the Family Christmas festivities, I had the urge to go for a walk, in the cold. So I had my new fleece leggings, a fleece, and my wind-proof jacket and a headband and off I went, and I kept asking myself..."why have I not kept this up?"
    I know that walking for me, keeps me healthier in all areas of my life and I thoroughly enjoy it because it's incredible time with my Savior.

At the start of our Off The Wall year this fall, we had a retreat. And at that retreat the main theme was "are you with us?!" The word WITH is an extremely powerful word. I am more WITH God, when I am physically walking with Him. I am more aware of Him when I am physically walking With Him. I am more WITH Him when I am walking WITH Him!

So i encourage you today, that whatever it is that makes you more WITH God, however simple or however unique, take the time to do it. Even if it's just for 10 minutes a day. Because your Savior is Jealous for you and wants time WITH you. And time spent with Him, should be part of our acceptable worship to Him, for all He has done for us and in us and through us!

"The LORD bless you and keep you; 
the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; 
the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26

Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Good morning starshine, the earth says hello!"

I used to strongly dislike mornings. 

Now, the mornings where I am up the earliest, are the ones that get me excited for my day. There's more Jesus in my day on those mornings.
Like this morning for instance....I woke up at 5:30am quite groggy...and just wanted to go back to bed. But I needed to drive my Amish girls, so I put on my sweats  and a big sweatshirt and put my hood up and snow boots on and off I went. I have about a half hour in between some of the girls, so I usually use that time to read the Word, but this morning, I was so tired all I wanted to do was nap, so I tried, and there was worship music on and I just couldn't help myself, so I just had some incredible worship time. And then when I was driving, the sunrise this morning was absolutely a stunner! And I once again, couldn't help but worship. And then my last girl, gave me a little donut (which of course I have already eaten) and an adorable handmade card and some hot chocolate! How could I not be grateful and smile and once again, worship my Awesome God?

My day, is already made. An it's only 8:30am! My day has been full of joy and worship to my Creator, and it's only 8:30am. Back in the day, I would still be a grump at this hour or asleep. But the older I am getting, I am realizing there are more important things to life than lots of sleep and being in grumpy moods.

So, I exhort you today, to worship in th big and the small. To fall in love. To see the beauty of God. To walk with Him, in grace and joy! And even if all your body wants to do is go back to for Jesus, not your body. That's what I'm going to try to do! 

"Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul." Psalm 143:8

Thursday, December 12, 2013


Sometimes I get really overwhelmed with gratefulness.
When I take time to see how incredibly blessed I am, that's when it hits me. 
I love friendships. 
I love my friends.
Now a days, I think we throw that word around and call even acquaitenances friends, and depending how you make friends, it may very well be true, but for me, friendships take a while. I can be your friend, way before you will be my friend.
But there are also different levels of friendships. And I'm not blogging to go into all those details.
I'm blogging, to say that I am thankful for the friendships in my life. Especially the ones, that have been a journey full of pot holes and wrong directions....because those are my strongest.

I'm thankful for the friends who know how you think and work, the ones who speak truth to you even when you don't want to hear it. The ones where you just laugh and laugh and laugh. The ones where you can not see or talk to that person for months and then whenever you do see or talk to each other, it's like you were never apart. The friends who will just pray for and with you. The friends who randomly send you encouraging text messages or emails. The friends who get excited with and for you. The friends who know your fears and weaknesses and still love you. The friends who are faithful and loyal no matter how ugly you may be at times. The friends who keep you focused and can bring a light in the dark. The friends who just with their presence can bring peace and joy. The friends who will do anything for you. 

Friendships are beautiful. Old and new. I enjoy them greatly. 
Don't take them for granted.
Don't be afraid of them. 
Embrace them. 


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome to springtime

It clearly is winter outside (being December)....but inside of my heart and soul, it is Springtime. The flowers are blooming, the birds are singing and there is a sweet smell in the air.

For the past 2 years I've been between winter/fall spiritually. It was like this huge weight that never left and my vision was clouded. And now all of a sudden, since about 3-4 weeks ago...that weight and cloud has been lifted. It's really difficult for me to explain what exactly is going on and what I'm feeling, but know that it is freeing and exciting. 
It's like I had forgotten what my relationship(intimacy) with God was like for the past 2 years and now all of sudden, things are back to how I know them to be. 
  The intimacy and presence of God that has always been so strong in my life, is here. My eyes see the complete love that The Lord is always lavishing upon me, I see once again how He is working out every little detail of my life and things around me. I am constantly being blown away and awed each day by my Sovereign Creator. The joy of The Lord truly is my strength.....and so much I said, it's hard for me to explain and put into words for you. 

The best way to put it, I feel free. No more weights, no more clouds, just the relationship I have with Jesus is redeemed, back to where I know it to be and even stronger and better! 
  And all I can say, is Praise The Lord. bless His Holy name!