Monday, April 1, 2013

Thank You God for Saving Me


Yesterday during church all of a sudden this realization hit me…
  If I were to die right now, at this age, in this season of life, I would be completely content with that, simply because I’ve known the Love of God.

Some of y0u probably know that this past year has been a rough year in many different areas, but one of those areas has been singleness. Ive struggled with it like never before, and its probably due to a lot of my friends getting married, therefore I hang around couples on a regular basis, as well for females entering into their mid 20’s…..its just not fun!
But i realized, as much as I desire to have a husband in the future, or right now, I’m completely content. I’m not living for that desire. I’m living for my desire for God. and if I were to die without ever knowing the bond and love of a husband….THATS OKAY! I’ve known the love of God, I have the love of God which is enough for me!

Your love, O LORD, is enough for me.
I hope and pray that the love of God is enough for you too. and if your not at that point, that you will get to that point. because God is faithful, and is jealous for you. no matter your gender, your history, your story, your hurt…He is jealous for you!


(this is not a morbid post, but a Praise post, because I’m grateful for the love of my LORD!)


”and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.”
2 Corinthians 5:15

1 comment:

  1. that's a really cool post, Jillian, great to hear that God has alieved that pressure.
