I feel like updating about 2 things today…so because I can….I am.
I love purposeful people, and purposeful times. I was challenged by a lady who mentioned to me that their meal times are when everyone unleashes what’s going on in their life to each other. I love this. Because in America, we’ve gotten so caught up in technology and other things that it’s rare to sit around a table and eat together. Or you eat together and sit on the couch or in front of something or with music playing or something to distract you.
So I have just enjoyed last night and a little bit today, sitting together with the people I’m with at the table and enjoying conversation. Whether it’s serious, sharing life and deeper things, or just enjoying each other and talking about the day. Jesus is in it all. and that makes me happy. and makes my day so much better.
It’s always nice to know that you are not alone. That somewhere, there is someone who can relate to what you are going through. and when you find those people who understand, in the moment, it’s just so encouraging and so relieving as well. Because honestly, a lot of times, I feel completely alone in my struggles, then to be able to talk to a best friend and hear that they are going through some similar things/stages of life, and hearing another person say that they will always back you up and be there if you need them in a certain area….is just absolutely wonderful.
I love, how God just lets us know in little moments like that, that we are not alone. That He hears ours cries, and gives us people to walk through it with, gives us understanding, and that His peace that passes all understanding, is guarding our hearts and minds!!!!
”The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.”
Psalm 51:17
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