Friday, July 6, 2012

I should be in bed


I should be packing right now, since im leaving in the morning to go to PA for the week. and I should be in bed, but im procrastinating packing.

But I just felt like sharing…cuz i havent in a while.

This has been a really great week. productive. in a lot of areas. but has also been a bit of a difficult week, emotionally and even spiritually, even tho spiritually my time with God has been great and more consistent than it has been in months. but reality is, i am struggling. i am learning a lot actually, which is great and maybe one day I’ll blog about it all. but I just have been finding myself oober frustrated recently, which…is just…well, frustrating.

but on a brighter note. i left the house tonight, and went and saw my friend’s band at a coffee shop in Canton. and hung out with friends i normally dont get to see, and saw people I dont see often and it was just splendid. I count it a great blessing whenever I get to see these people, because they are all so dear to me and are just refreshing. It is refreshing to catch up with people, to just hang out with  people. to go out. and just get into good conversations, and to laugh.

I like friends. I love my friends. I need them in my life more. and I am grateful to God for them, and for evenings like tonight.


”Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
Psalm 103:1

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