Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lord, I’m amazed by You.


It’s so great when you get together with a good friend, and your both in kind of the same place in life. where God is doing so incredibly much, its uncontainable and beyond exciting!
  I love these times. I love when we can see God working, and alive. because He is always alive and working!!

Those times are so RICH to me.   :)

You can’t help but leave and be grateful and continue to say ‘Thank You God!"’


”I will sing of the steadfast love of the LORD, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations.”
  Psalm 89:1

Tuesday, July 24, 2012



Oh boy…its been a while. I think there’s a reason why…not just cuz ive been gone the last 2 weeks…but because the past couple months I have been in this rut.
I’m in a really weird/new place of life, where things I’m dealing with are super new and super bizarre to me, so I’ve been trying to figure out how to deal with these things or how to take them, and havent really been succeeding very well at that. but this past week…its like God has completely lifted me out of this muddy pit I was stuck in.  Granted, the weird/new place in life is still there, the struggles are still real, but my sense of Joy has returned. my viewpoints have changed from wondering what to do, to trusting God in it and just seeking Him and to just sit at His feet.

and right now, i can honestly say i can’t remember the last time I’ve been so excited about life. just with how God has been providing conversations, and how providing things that I’ve been asking for in prayer and desires of my heart when they are fixed on Him…im just amazed at how God is working and answering and pulling so many things together. and how He is encouraging me, and challenging me an giving me new things to think about and look into. I’m seeing how He has been preparing me for certain things, and how He is still possibly preparing me for more in the future. and it just gets me excited. excited for the fall, to have girls in the house again, to have someone to push me, to have people to talk to, to put all my energy that goes into thinking about certain things, into prayer and intercession and learning more about that and seeking God and what He has for me in that as a woman, as a support to people he puts in my life and lays on my heart. to the church. to Him. to all!


I’m just p-u-m-p-e-d. and i dont want this to end. i want to stay excited. i want to stay joyous. i want to stay devoted and motivated. i want to proclaim God’s goodness and faithfulness. I want to love. I want to encourage. I don’t want to waste my summer, but take hold of every moment God gives me. I want to fall in love! with my Creator! I want to claim things for Christ. I want to not fear. I want to worship in the beauty of Holiness. I want to grow. I want to sit at Jesus’ feet. I want to build up…I want to bring glory to my Father in heaven.


”I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to your the things that are to come…”
John 16:12-13

Friday, July 6, 2012

I should be in bed


I should be packing right now, since im leaving in the morning to go to PA for the week. and I should be in bed, but im procrastinating packing.

But I just felt like sharing…cuz i havent in a while.

This has been a really great week. productive. in a lot of areas. but has also been a bit of a difficult week, emotionally and even spiritually, even tho spiritually my time with God has been great and more consistent than it has been in months. but reality is, i am struggling. i am learning a lot actually, which is great and maybe one day I’ll blog about it all. but I just have been finding myself oober frustrated recently, which…is just…well, frustrating.

but on a brighter note. i left the house tonight, and went and saw my friend’s band at a coffee shop in Canton. and hung out with friends i normally dont get to see, and saw people I dont see often and it was just splendid. I count it a great blessing whenever I get to see these people, because they are all so dear to me and are just refreshing. It is refreshing to catch up with people, to just hang out with  people. to go out. and just get into good conversations, and to laugh.

I like friends. I love my friends. I need them in my life more. and I am grateful to God for them, and for evenings like tonight.


”Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name.”
Psalm 103:1