I guess you could say that recently, I have just really been realizing and living what it truly means to have the joy of the LORD be your strength! Now, I don’t really know how to explain it to someone, but just that you know when the joy of the LORD is your strength!
So often we think that things will make us happy…for instance…clothes. I’m terrible when I go shopping, even if I have the intention to not buy anything, I have to really practice the fruit of self-discipline. I just want everything I find, and there are times when I let myself get really upset that I can’t afford to buy new clothes, while I watch other people being able to. And it’s just n0t with clothes, but in numerous things. BUT, the joy of the LORD is my strength! because my identity, my joy, my happyness, is most definately not found in having the new trends, having more clothes than I can handle or a closet full of clothes that I may not even wear…etc.
I don’t need all these things in my life. All I need, is found in Jesus Christ! And i have Him! Therefore, I have all I need!
Never doubt that your Provider. Whether rich or poor, all you need is IN Jesus.
God knew not to give me money, and I’m grateful for that, and would defiantely not ever want to have a lot of money, as much as I may say ‘I wish I had money…” for certain things, I trust God. He knows me better than I know myself!
”Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ my LORD….”
Philippians 3:8
A hearty AMEN to that!