It’s great to see how people have grown after not having talked to them for a long time. To see their willingness to be bold and encourage and show support. Old faces are refreshing. Encouragement is refreshing.
We allow ourselves to become so overwhelmed with life, and so overcome, when we are not overcome at all. We are victors. We need to open our eyes to see all that God has in each day for us, in each moment. To see the encouragement, that He is always providing. To see the blessings that people are to us. To see that challenges and trials are really blessings as well and we can still be joyful in them. That we are truly supported, because the LORD is our support.
We are contagious. This is a blessing and a curse. What are you contagious with?!
With encouragement and joy and fruit from the Holy Spirit, or are you contagious with drama, complaints, down-heartedness. What will people know you as?! someone they can trust and know will be praying if you ask, someone they can talk to, a servant?, or someone’s who not willing to do anything that God asks of them whether in their comfort zone or not, or someone who is just consumed with themselves?
Loving God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength is not an easy task. But neither was becoming human, and loving sinful man so much that you would die for them…
God is continually blessing us. and I love this about Him. We are completely undeserving of all of His provision, from the smallest to the greatest. He really does want to be good to us, and to prosper us and has plans for us. Believe. and Surrender. God is gracious. merciful. and ABOUNDING in love.
I love that God is so incomprehensible. It makes Him exciting. It makes me love Him so much more, because I can’t full grasp His wonders, but I just know Him to be true, and that is all that matters. FAITH. is a beautiful thing.
”The LORD is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made.”
Psalm 145:9
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