Saturday, August 13, 2011



So i missed yesterday. the evening was a bit hectic and bed time did not occur until 2am so i was not going to stay awake to blog, so my apologies. haha.

so i will just share a a few things on how i fell in love with Christ! ;
       yesterday morning, i just realized that my prayer life is not real strong in the slightest. so I was really challenged to start praying more, and our youth were given the challenge to pray for the youth group each day this week which us leaders usually do the challenge as well, so i have been trying…but failing epicly it seems. but yesterday i spent time in prayer, and had a few things and few people on my heart. so i just prayed, and it was great! :)
        i also really enjoy tedious when im able to really help people with that sort of thing, i enjoy that a lot! :)
       today we had our raining golf balls fundraiser, and there was this girl there alone and i kept feeling a nudge to talk to her, to sit with her so she is not alone. which if u know me, this is usually something i would never do. but God’s really grown me in this area of just going up to strangers and getting to know them. and i rather enjoy it. so i finally went over and sat by her and started talking and here she has been coming to our church and went to our girl’s bible study one time when tina and i weren’t there. crazy! so she hung out with us for the evening. and it was splendid. she just came on her own, which i find quite brave of her! and i liked!
    and now there is a big storm. the lightning is like nothing i’ve seen all summer. the big bolts, one time 3 at a time in a line. non stop lightning. and everytime, a “wow” comes out of my mouth. God is mighty! and for some reason, im not exactly sure why, the bolts of lightning just make me think of the fear of God.

:) I love my God!


VERSE of the day:
”But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ— by grace you have been saved…”
Ephesians 2:4-5



  I will be camping with our youth group until tuesday. so i shall be away from blogging for a couple days!

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