Sunday, October 28, 2012

sitting at the feet of Jesus


I had the great privilege of being in Ringold, Oklahoma this week for 5 days (including travel). And it was exactly what I needed.

I really realized how wonderful it is to just sit at the feet of Jesus. To sit and just listen and just be with your teacher. and the whole week was focused on what it really means to be a disciple of Christ. it was so refreshing, so needed. I just want to sit at His feet.

and the other night I was at a worship concert and was reminded by watching little children, how they do exactly what they see the people around them doing. If they see someone raise their hands…they raise their hands. and that’s how we should be with Jesus. We should be doing all that He was doing. Being imitators of our Savior who humbled Himself and came to earth, and died on a cross, and served and taught.

And when things get tough(even when they arent tough), just sit at His feet. LISTEN, to what He is saying. Spend time with Him. Be a disciple.


”What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things and the God of peace will be with you.”
Philippians 4:9

Saturday, October 20, 2012

no such thing as chance when God’s in the picture, and guess what..He’s always in the picture.


it’s not just by chance that we get put in a certain job. in a certain role. it’s not just by chance that the people we are surrounded by now, are the people we are surrounded by, living life with…

God has a reason and purpose to every aspect of our lives. But we tend to not think about things that way…and I’m starting to believe that that is the reason that we tend to complain about where we’re at in life sometimes, what jobs we have, why we dont have a job, or complain about circumstances…we are in, where we are in, for a purpose and for a reason. we may not be able to see the whole purpose at the moment, but you can TRUST that God knows what He is doing and is not just up in Heaven twidling His thumbs thinking about His next move…He already knows it, and He already knows ours.

God just wants us to be obedient. This has been a lesson I’m re-learning this week. He just wants us. and He wants us to know and submit to His authority, and that NONE or NOTHING compares to His riches. and that He is greater.

I heard a wise lady say this week in talking about losing her husband and the grieving stage that she had to come to a point where she knew that Jesus’ blood was greater than the death of her husband and it covers it.

The blood of Christ, brethren, is much greater than all the things or people or situations going on in your life. Trust Him. Believe Him. Talk to Him. Obey Him.


”Him, we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.”
Colossians 1:28-39

Thursday, October 18, 2012

conviction is a blessing


last night and today there has been quite a bit of conviction in my life. Ive been fighting what I know I should do, and what I want to do…my selfishness/flesh has been getting in the way.

but I am grateful for this conviction, because obviously there must be something that I am not giving God, that He clearly wants and desires. and as His beloved, His servant, His daughter…My heart’s desire is to please to Him, therefore, I need to be obedient.


”The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”
Lamentations 3:22-23

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

People, People, People


you know, it amazes me to look back on who i was…and how people drove me nuts. and i wanted nothing to do with them. how selfish was i!

now…people still drive me nuts. but i want so much to do with them, for the most part! I find it a privelage to work with them, to be apart of their lives. i love them. and i find myself falling more in love with people each month. the more i get to know people, the more time i spend with them, the more i love them. i love how God works. and how He uses people in our lives.


”if we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.”
2 Timothy 2:13

Monday, October 1, 2012

Dependable God


One thing that I’m really learning to appreciate about my God, is that He is dependable.

This season of life that I am in, is not an easy one by any means. I’m seeing how dependent I truly have been on people my whole life. The past couple of years I believe have been this journey of God preparing to bring me out of hiding…and I feel currently like I am in the center of this journey. I am very grateful for this journey, because I clearly see the need for it and am excited for the outcome, its just the eye of the storm that never seems to be enjoyable, but there is joy and there is peace. It’s weird to say that I never thought it would be so hard to be wholly dependent upon God. and I don’t even know how to explain what this looks like. We rely on people to supply for our needs so much, which God definitely uses people in His provision for us, and even in our dependence upon Him I believe, but we must never forget that our ultimate submission and reliance is on Jesus Christ, and not on the people He has given to us.

So even when people fail, or people leave us…etc, God never fails us, He never leaves us. We truly can rely upon Him for every need we can ever think of and not think of! and I’m thankful for this truth of who God is!


”And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 4:7