I have decided to create a new blog. This blog’s purpose and design is for one thing only…
Whenever I pray, I always seem to add in there, that we as believer’s and follower’s of Jesus Christ will fall more in love with Him today and each day. That is part of my heart. So, today while driving home from Philadelphia, PA, 5 of us in a little honda, I decided that I want to daily(do my best) document how I have fallen in love with Jesus each day. Because there can be so many things and ways to how God can draw us more to Him and how we can just fall more in love! So I want to encourage others to fall more in love with Jesus, and I want us to remember and be more aware of God in our daily lives.
So starting with Today.
Today it was while we were traveling from Phila to home. We started having conversation about God’s calling and God’s will. Which can get quite confusing at times, and I’m quite terrible with remembering exact words and a lot of things (been praying bout this!). But all of a sudden, I just smiled and my heart did a flutter, cuz God is just so big. He has a purpose for us. He has chosen us…and He could choose to make anyone believe because He has that power, but He gives us a choice to follow or not to….He gives us a choice to decide what we do with our day, with our lives…yes He guides and directs our paths, and His will, will ultimately be done, but He allows us to make decisions. and the fact that He could just not allow us that freedom…but He does…that just made me more in Awe of Him. He is beyond our comprehension and understanding (which is why so many things are confusing and will remain that way!) and I love this about Him! He is exciting. He is mysterious. He is loving. He is gracious. He is merciful. He is Sovereign! He is Above All Understanding, and He is peace!
The more I know Him, the more I love Him.
Verse for the day:
“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct.”
1 Peter 1:14-15